How does the Sentenashi program help your child succeed?
The 10 principle skills selected for the Sentenashi Program are broken down into specific requirements that each student must tackle at every belt level. There are 10 belt (Kyu) levels total, which means that your child will dramatically progress through all 10 skills as they increase in belt rank. Your child will be sharper, more focused, and better developed physically, mentally, emotionally, morally and socially than a child has not been part of a program strategically designed like the Sentenashi program to help children excel in not only karate skills, but life skills.

The 10 fundamental skills are:

The purpose of the teamwork curriculum is to teach the child how to cooperate ...

The purpose of the control curriculum is to teach the child how to have control ...

The purpose of the balance curriculum is to help the child master the skill of balance ...

The purpose of the memory/concentration curriculum is to have students gain ...

Discipline (Self-discipline)
The purpose of the discipline curriculum is to positively reinforce the importance ...

The purpose of the fitness curriculum is to expose the child to exercises and activities ...

The purpose of the coordination curriculum is to teach the child their left from right ...