Halloween Howler 2.0

Event Details

  • Date:

On Saturday, October 30th, we will be switching our gi’s out for outdoor clothes and our Halloween costumes! We will be hosting our second Halloween Howler during classes the whole day as a way to celebrate Halloween along with a day of fun after all the hard work karatigas have been doing! If any karatigas joined us for our summer camp Saturday’s during July, it will be similar except it won’t be 30 degrees outside and our scavenger hunt will be haunted!

Please note: there will be no open class this day in order for us to prepare the dojo

Advanced: 9:00-9:55am

White/Stripe: 10:00-11:15am

Yellow/Orange: 10:45-12:25pm

Purple/Green/Blue: 11:30-12:25pm

What to wear: Halloween costume or outdoor/regular clothes. Please dress on the warmer side since we will be inside and outside all day.

Where to drop off: lower parking lot and come up the stairs as the upper parking lot will be sectioned off for the day