Sentenashi karate evolved from Seido-Kan Karate. Seido-Kan Karate was founded in 1977 in Southern Ontario. Along with its founder, Sensei Mario Quiquero, Hanshi Strohbach helped develop the unique style of Seido-Kan Karate by adapting a traditional Japanese style of Karate (Wado) into a highly effective and versatile Martial Arts system for the new millennium. After establishing the three largest karate schools in Southern Ontario, along with a teaching certificate (1991) from Seido-Kan Karate School, Hanshi Strohbach brought Seido-Kan Karate to Calgary in 1998. As the school started to grow, once again, so did the desire to acquire professional accreditation for the growing number of black belts so their accomplishments could be recognized internationally by the Japan Karatedo Federation in a dojo with world class standards.
This aspiration for excellence lead to the school becoming Sentenashi Karate which translates to “the empty hand way, with no first strike”. Sentenashi Karate became a recognized JKF (Japan Karatedo Federation) Wado-Kai Branch in 2010. In the same year, Hanshi Strohbach became a certified JKF Wado-Kai instructor and examiner. Also in 2010, Sentenashi Karate School become ALBERTA’S ONLY professionally recognized certified Educational Institution by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) 7009/12091 for the study of Karate. Becoming a certified educational institution lead Hanshi Strohbach to strive to bring an even higher level of professional instruction to the dojo and in 2019 graduating with an advanced coaching diploma from the Canadian Sport Institute at the University of Calgary. Most recently, Hanshi Strohbach has become a Chartered Professional Coach by the Coaching Association of Canada.
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