Sentenashi A.R.T.S.
One’s personal safety should not be equated with one’s ability to fight. If your perception of self-protection is fighting off an assailant, your intention will be directed towards learning physical techniques and therefore, your foundation will be misdirected. Success in self-protection is not in engagement but in avoidance. The ultimate victory in self-protection is when nothing perceptible happens! The philosophy of confrontation is avoidance. If it can’t be prevented, avoid it; if it can’t be avoided, defuse it; if it can’t be defused, escape; if escape is not possible, then engage. Physical conflict for defense should be the last resort, not the first.
The healthy participation in fundamental techniques as accurately as possible taking into account each person’s limitations. Effort is directed towards not only physical techniques but also towards strengthening bodies and minds to the very best of our abilities.
Budo, the martial way of Japan, has its origins in the traditions of Bushido, the way of the warrior. This time-honored culture is comprised of Karatedo. Practitioners study skills, which strive to unify mind, technique and body, develop character, enhance one’s morality and cultivate a respectful and courteous demeanor. When practiced steadfastly, these admirable traits become intrinsic to the character of the practitioner. The Way serves as a path towards self-preservation. The compassionate human spirit one develops will then contribute to social prosperity and harmony, and ultimately, benefit not only oneself but those around them.
Realizing and fostering one’s athletic ability through the externalized expression of the spirit underlying Bushido. This includes winning with modesty, accepting defeat gracefully, and consistently exhibiting self-control and integrity, all while continually striving to reach one’s full martial potential.
To Persevere with Integrity in the A.R.T.S.
(Awareness Recreation Tradition Sport)
Inspired by Sentenashi
To disrupt the image of Traditional Karate-do.
Inspired Sentenashi Karate School
A division of Sentenashi Arts
To introduce Karate-do in a growth mindset environment of focused fun.
Inspired Sentenashi Karate Institute
A division of Sentenashi Arts
Leading with simplicity, patience, compassion, respect and integrity.
Inspired Sentenashi Karate Academy
A division of Sentenashi Arts
The simple desire to inspire Integral Spirit through Sincerity, Truth and Respect.
Inspired by Seido Kan Karate
A division of Sentenashi Arts
We are Proudly Affilated With