How are classes structured at Sentenashi Karate?
Sentenashi students follow a specific path through our specialized classes as displayed below for Kyu progression (Colored Belts) and Degree progression (Black Belt levels). Each student begins at the Beginner Level or White belt and continue through Chapters 1 – 10 to the Advanced Level (Brown Stripe belt). Before the student can grade from their current rank to the next, they must fulfill the requirements for the current rank.
When student’s successfully reach brown Stripe Belt, they then proceed on to Sentenashi’s post-graduate program’s through the Black Belt Degree program. In order to grade from their current degree to the next, the student must fulfill specific requirements for the current degree.
Requirements for each kyu or black belt degree are based on the Sentenashi A.R.T.S. Development program. The requirements can be found by downloading the relevant PDF Document below.

Educational Requirements
Beginner Educational Requirements
Intermediate Educational Requirements
Advanced Educational Requirements
Post-Graduate Educational Requirements
Masters & Doctorate Educational Requirements